Category: Ikke kategoriseret

Spreading the word about EVA

On June 21st 2018 SOS Malta hosted the final event of the EVA project in Valetta. About 70 people took part and were introduced to out platform and its possibilities. There was great interest in the tool and its potential to help migrants on their way to becoming entrepreneurs. Discussions and comments showed that there […]

Pilot testing begins!

As our project is moving into its final phase we are starting the pilot test of the platform! The platform will be tested in each country of the partnership, but you can also be part of the pilot test – either by  trying out the platform and giving your feedback or if you work with/teach […]

Join our final event in Malta!

On June 21st 2018 the partnership will host the final event of the project, which will be an international event around the topic of migrant entrepreneurship. We will of course present our platform and results of the project, but there will be a chance to discuss and learn about other aspects of migrant entrepreneurship. You […]

See the webinar!

In april we presented our platform for a group of stakeholders in an online webinar. During the 1 hour webinar we gave a brief introduction to the project, our platform, and the three parts of the tool. Barbara Tosi from CSCI explained the assessment and evaluation tool in ‘Discover your Enterprise Skills’ and introduced the […]

Launching webinar April 11th

We are happy to announce that the EVA platform is soon ready for the first test and in April 11th we will have a one hour long webinar in English at 10.00 am CET. Participation is completely free, and you are welcome to share the invitation with colleagues or others in your network. Find more […]

Partners meet in Magdeburg

Late January the partners of the project met up in Magdeburg, Germany, to continue the work on the platform, simulator and certification of the EVA platform. The project is entering the last phase of finishing the elements, to make the platform ready for testing in the spring/early summer. During the partner meeting we got a […]

Project Update November 2017

The EVA project has entered its second and final year, and the partnership is making good progress. Focus in the first year have been to create a well-structured orientation and evaluation system, where the potential entrepreneur can discover their enterprise skills. This happens through a set of questions, that maps the person’s mindset, previous experience […]

We are happy to announce the start of our EVA project. We would like to introduce you to our project and invite you to engage in this project process. The main goal of this project is to support and promote migrant and ethnic minority entrepreneurs and help these groups to overcome difficulties, which might prevent […]